Directory of Registered Pharmaceutical Shops...
Descripción del conjunto de datos:
List of registered pharmaceutical shops and their addresses in Edo state disaggregated by Local government area.
Fuente: Directory of Registered Pharmaceutical Shops in Edo State
Información adicional
Campo | Valor |
Última actualización de los datos | 8 de julio de 2014 |
Última actualización de los metadatos | 2 de agosto de 2013 |
Creado | 2 de agosto de 2013 |
Formato | CSV |
Licencia | Creative Commons Attribution |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | True |
Hash | {"content": "b16b9aa24b1c90787f080fa11e25978758d76b4e", "header": "c7df31d3c1a02c3873d5b8185954ab795ca3f9b0"} |
Id | eedbc014-3fd3-44b5-8bdd-ca08213132eb |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | 0a997ec3-3b27-4ee9-8386-e80ac6303614 |
Position | 0 |
Resource type | file.upload |
Size | 9,7 KiB |
State | active |