Kenya Full Immunization Coverage (%)
Pentavalent Vaccine Third Dose Immunization Coverage for Infants, 2014-2018 A vaccine that contains five antigens (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenzae type B) and is administered to babies in three doses, at six, ten and 14 weeks of age.
Información adicional
Campo | Valor |
Última actualización de los datos | 4 de febrero de 2020 |
Última actualización de los metadatos | 3 de febrero de 2020 |
Creado | 3 de febrero de 2020 |
Formato | XLSX |
Licencia | Creative Commons Attribution |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | True |
Id | 1c0e889c-e905-4928-8c7c-be1869830695 |
Package id | 9a9c52b6-65f6-4483-890f-3a34bb164ce2 |
Position | 46 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |