Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 13 octobre 2015
Dernière modification de la métadonnée 13 octobre 2015
Date de création 13 octobre 2015
Format ZIP
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeFalse
Has viewsFalse
Package idb572f845-3186-42c8-807b-143b2ff4cc96
Resource descriptionFeed assessment tool was applied in characterizing the production systems mainly related to feed innovation in Babati district. The villages involved were Long, Sabilo and Seloto. The exercise was categorized into two sessions, namely, focused group discussions and individual interviews. A number of 117 (93 males and 24 females) participants (farmers) were involved in the focus group discussion and 36 farmers involved in individual interviews. Feeding practice dominate in both villages is open grazing system. The key issue is low productivity potential of the animals which is an implication of lack of knowledge/skills on general animal husbandry and/or feed shortage mainly due to seasonality. This may possibly be a potential entry point for interventions in each village.