1,218 datasets found

Groups: Nigeria Tags: africa

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  • List of Veterinary Clinics in Edo State
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    List of veterinary clinics with their location and owners in Edo state as at 2014.
  • Roads and their Locations by Lots
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    SPCU roads and their locations by lots which are expected to form the first phase of the Public works component of the project
  • EDO-CSDP Expression Of Interest (EOI) By Communities
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    List of communities that showed interest in EDO-CSDP micro projects
  • Registered NGOs in Edo State.
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created July 5, 2015
    This set of data contains a list of NGOs in Edo State. It specifies the activities in which they are involved. it also states their addresses, phone numbers and date of...
  • Contracts Awarded and their Stage of Completion as at 30th September, 2015
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created August 16, 2016
    This data-set gives a detailed List of Contracts Awarded, Date Awarded, the Community and the Stage of Completion as at 30th September, 2015.
  • EIRS Vehicle Licensing Offices
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    This data set provides a list of all vehicle licensing offices in Edo State supervised by the Edo State Internal Revenue Service.
  • UNICEF Sanitation Facilities Donation to Schools in 2014
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created June 7, 2015
    This contains a list of some schools selected across the state which are beneficiaries to the hand wash sanitation facilities donated by UNICEF throught the Ministry of Energy...
  • Electricity Projects in Edo State from 2008 to 2014
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created June 7, 2015
    This contains a list of electricity projects being carried out all the local governments across the state. It provides information as to the project description, location,...
  • Edo State Fever Control Program Summary 2011-2012
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    This summary of fever control program showing number of all cases seen at the facility in the reporting period having laboratory diagnosis done,Treatment,prevention and outcome...
  • Tax Offices in Edo State
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    A comprehensive list of tax offices in Edo State is contained in this data-set. This offices are duly supervised by the Edo State Internal Revenue Service.
  • Distribution of Literate Population by Age Group and Sex, 2006.
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    Distribution of literate population by Age Group and sex in Edo state as at 2006.
  • List of Registered churches
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    List of Registered churches showing their year of registration and their addresses in Edo state.
  • Registered Family Welfare Service of Case
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    This is a dataset on family welfare service nature of case, detailing the type and number of cases from January to May 2014.
  • On-Going Micro-Projects by Edo CSDP
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    Data showing on-going projects by Edo-CSDP
  • List of Registered NGOs/CSOs
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    Names and addresses of registered NGOs/CSOs in Edo State. Sources of data: Ministry of Women Affairs and Conference of Non-Governmental Organisations (CONGOs)
  • Financial Statement in Edo for 2012
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created November 6, 2014
    Data-set on Financial statement in Edo state for 2012. This resource constitutes cash flow statements, capital development fund, consolidated revenue fund and Statement of...
  • List of registered Cultural Troups in Edo State
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created July 19, 2015
    This is a dataset of culture troups registered with the Edo State Ministry of Arts, Culture and Tourism as at Dec 2014.it states their names and address.
  • List of some Aluminium Cable Manufacturers
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created May 9, 2016
    A list of aluminium cable manufactures is contained in this dataset.
  • Sports Competition Participation
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created June 7, 2015
    This states the various competitions some associations participated in from June 2014 to February 2015. It is categorized by association, medals won, date and type of event.
  • Installed Road Signs
    Updated September 13, 2016 | Created May 9, 2016
    This dataset shows statistics of the various road signs installed along some major traffic routes within the Benin City metropolis.