ACLED Conflict Data by Type and Actor

ACLED data can be disaggregated not only by location and year, but also by the type of violence involved in each event (for example, civil unrest in the form of rioting or protesting, or non-combatant targeting under violence against civilians), the groups involved (for example, events involving the LRA or state forces), and the types of conflict (for example, civil wars defined as conflicts involving rebel and state forces).

Users can disaggregate data directly by selecting relevant categories of actors, conflict types or interaction terms in the larger dataset, or use some of the data files below by actor and event type. The data below are drawn from ACLED Version 5.

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Última actualització de novembre 15, 2015, 14:00 (UTC)
Creat de novembre 15, 2015, 13:43 (UTC)