Sustainable small ruminant breeding programs for - climate smart villages

This project is part of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agroculture and Food security (CCAFS), that seesk to test a portfolio of interventions to adress the threat of chaning climeate conditions for the small holder farmers. The project seeks to increase the production of meat and milk from small ruminants (SR), and improve incomes of small-holder farmers within “climate smart villages” of Lower Nyando. This will result in reduced dependency on external support by communities, increased capacity in management of resources, higher incomes from SR and SR product sales while sustaining environmental health, and enhancing resilience to climatic changes

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Field Value
Last Updated August 20, 2019, 11:18 (UTC)
Created August 20, 2019, 11:18 (UTC)
harvest_object_id 21005d4b-e4d0-484e-b727-0a023eacf3e4
harvest_source_id 0e3c3887-39da-4593-93ec-ceea44b71a6d
harvest_source_title ILRI Harvest