Budgets and Bricks: Progress with school infrastructure following the Rivonia Primary School case

The study, Budgets & Bricks: Progress with school infrastructure, explores whether the Gauteng Department of Education's (GDE) promises in the Rivonia Primary School, heard in the Constitutional Court in 2014, case have been met and whether the GDEs plan on infrastructure is sufficient. The GDE was responsible for analysing and providing for school infrastructure, but due to poor planning (primarily the failure to account for future growth of learners) there were 20 000 learners without a school place at the start of 2016. The report grapples with the question of whether GDE's spending for 2015 is sufficient – and the task is hampered by the fact that the available data is limited, and the data that is available is problematic.

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Campo Valor
Fuente http://centreforchildlaw.co.za/publications
Última actualización septiembre 4, 2019, 18:15 (UTC)
Creado septiembre 4, 2019, 18:15 (UTC)
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harvest_source_title Vulekamali Data