Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Borena Household Survey Round 1-4

This survey was conducted as part of research and development activities under the Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) project in the Borena Zone of Ethiopia. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and in collaboration with Cornell University and implementing partners Oromia Insurance Company (OIC) and Oromia Credits and Saving Share Company (OCSSCO) piloted in August 2012 a market-mediated index-based insurance product, designed to protect pastoralists from drought-related livestock mortality, on the Borena plateau of Southern Ethiopia. The basic product design, household survey, and evaluation strategy mimic and complement that of a previously designed IBLI product in the Marsabit district of Northern Kenya, first rolled out two years earlier (2010).

To better understand and monitor the success of IBLI as well as the various encouragement techniques and interventions implemented alongside the IBLI roll-out, there is the need for continuous impact evaluation and assessment, tracking IBLI uptake and the changes in well-being of individual households that can be attributed to the program and product. To that end, the IBLI team carried out a pre-intervention baseline survey (February-March 2012) and followed it with annual rounds in 2013, 2014, and 2015, once IBLI had already been made available to households in Borena.

For more general information on the research and development process of the IBLI product, the pilot, or its launch in Borena visit and

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Última actualización agosto 20, 2019, 11:18 (UTC)
Creado agosto 20, 2019, 11:18 (UTC)
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