Liberia - Populated Settlements (2008)

Liberia census population dataset from 2007-2008 created by Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS). The dataset contains a list of all the settlements that are geo-located(coordinates in UTM projection) and have attributes with their administrative units and population data ( total, male, female and number of households).

Datos y Recursos

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Campo Valor
Autor Shaky Sherpa
Última actualización marzo 11, 2018, 10:46 (UTC)
Creado agosto 11, 2017, 07:36 (UTC)
harvest_object_id f43e0d00-3007-46e2-aa94-b4eff5cbb66b
harvest_source_id 2cdbcd2c-f7ad-4c3c-ab3e-773212c4fc2d
harvest_source_title ENERGYDATA.INFO