Northern Cape EPRE 2022-23 - Vote 07 - Sport, Arts and Culture

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Última actualización septiembre 7, 2022, 14:32 (UTC)
Creado septiembre 7, 2022, 14:32 (UTC)
Department Name Sport, Arts and Culture
Vote Number 7
department_name Sport, Arts and Culture
department_name_slug sport-arts-and-culture
geographic_region_slug northern-cape
harvest_object_id 611d703e-0c0b-4885-9857-3bed0fc730dc
harvest_source_id f4f7ee97-5de2-4350-8e2e-41b78ae9b14e
harvest_source_title Vulekamali Data
organisational_unit department
vote_number 7