The Tanzania Tourism Sector Survey, 2009

The key objective of the survey is to collect up-to-date information on tourist expenditure to be used in the “Tourist Expenditure Model” for estimation of international tourism receipts for compilation of the National Accounts and Balance of Payments statistics. The survey also aims at obtaining information that is used for strategic planning, tourism promotion and macroeconomic policy formulation.

In 2008, the number of tourist arrivals was 770,376. As a result, by using the Tourist Expenditure model, it is estimated that Tanzania earned USD1,288.7 in 2008.

The survey’s results indicate that the 79.1 percent of visitors came to Tanzania for leisure and holidays, followed by 8.2 percent came to visit friends and relatives, 6.5 percent came for business, 2.3 percent came for meetings and conferences. On the other hand, 3.9 percent of visitors who came as volunteers, scientific and academic purposes.

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Última actualización agosto 20, 2019, 11:16 (UTC)
Creado agosto 20, 2019, 11:16 (UTC)
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