Women and Girls subjected to Sexual Violence (by age group) in Tanzania

This data represents information on women and girls aged 15 and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in 2016 in Tanzania,Percentage of women (aged 18-29 years) who experienced sexual violence by age 18,Percentage of girls (aged 15-17 years) who have ever experienced any sexual violence and sought help from a professional and the Percentage of girls (aged 15-17 years) who have experienced sexual violence.

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Campo Valor
Fuente https://data.unicef.org/resources/data_explorer/unicef_f/?ag=UNICEF&df=GLOBAL_DATAFLOW&ver=1.0&dq=TZA.PT_F_15-17_SX-V+PT_F_18-29_SX-V_AGE-18+PT_F_GE15_SX_V_PTNR_12MNTH+PT_F_15-17_SX-V_HLP..&startPeriod=2001&endPeriod=2020
Autor Code for Africa
Mantenedor Stephanie Nekesa
Última actualización octubre 22, 2020, 07:57 (UTC)
Creado octubre 22, 2020, 07:56 (UTC)