Contribute to the integration of AR activities into coherent project programmes.

In collaboration with AR partners, contribute to the integration of R&D activities at project level and the joint planning & implementation of activities. This may include the following: • In collaboration with ILRI, plan and carry out nutrient analysis of crop residues suitable as animal feed such as BROAD BEANS residues and wheat straw (led by ILRI) • In collaboration with CIAT, follow up on value chain work on priority crops and livestock and contribute to the development of value chain activities (led by CIAT) • In collaboration with IWMI, explore the use of small scale irrigation facilities for the production of high value crops such as potato during off season periods (led by IWMI) • Identification and exploitation of potential synergies between CIP’s AR component and the Humid Tropics program • Explore opportunities with CIMMYT, ICARDA and national partners to initiate joint system level R&D activities.

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Champ Valeur
Dernière modification août 17, 2019, 20:22 (TU)
Date de création août 17, 2019, 20:22 (TU)
harvest_object_id f4ecfd8a-8b91-4df5-a310-b111bc032642
harvest_source_id 0e3c3887-39da-4593-93ec-ceea44b71a6d
harvest_source_title ILRI Harvest