Edo State Disease Surveillance Survey 2011 Summary

Statistics on Edo State summary of Disease Surveillance of communicable and Non-communicable Diseases showing the numbers of death rate, Cases in-patients and Cases out-patients for the year 2011.

Données et ressources

Informations supplémentaires

Champ Valeur
Producteur Ministry of Health
Mainteneur Open Data Team
Dernière modification septembre 13, 2016, 15:16 (TU)
Date de création novembre 6, 2014, 16:31 (TU)
harvest_object_id 7f776cdd-ea80-4211-9118-9b269078b2e8
harvest_source_id 51dbbf39-f72d-4bb6-83b6-6ddf644d31d2
harvest_source_title Data.edostate.gov.ng