Kenya Smallholder dairy project - Characterization survey

Household and market level surveys were carried out to characterize the dairy sub-sector in Kenya. The data collected were used to identify constraints, test hypotheses and develop recommendations with partners. Conventional analyses were conducted with spatial analysis. Kiambu, Central and Western districts were covered.

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Champ Valeur
Dernière modification mai 19, 2021, 04:16 (TU)
Date de création août 20, 2019, 11:19 (TU)
ILRI_actydataowner ILRI
ILRI_actysharingagreement Required for confidential data
ILRI_actyusageconditions Non commercial purpose
harvest_object_id a5fb2763-1ed0-410a-ba17-686e4eb6447a
harvest_source_id 0e3c3887-39da-4593-93ec-ceea44b71a6d
harvest_source_title ILRI Harvest