Limpopo EPRE 2022-23 - Vote 11 - Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs

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Champ Valeur
Dernière modification septembre 7, 2022, 14:35 (TU)
Date de création septembre 7, 2022, 14:35 (TU)
Department Name Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs
Vote Number 11
department_name Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs
department_name_slug co-operative-governance-human-settlements-and-traditional-affairs
geographic_region_slug limpopo
harvest_object_id f4394c48-468c-4c70-84a4-3737c6c8c2cc
harvest_source_id f4f7ee97-5de2-4350-8e2e-41b78ae9b14e
harvest_source_title Vulekamali Data
organisational_unit department
vote_number 11