South African School attendance Stats 2001

This table provides the number of grade ones who entered the system 12 years ago, which will provide a useful sense of the drop out rate when one looks at the 2012 matric pass figures. This will allow users to determine the pass rate as a fraction of those who entered the school system 12 years ago. It should show a much smaller pass rate percentage than the official ones, as drop our rates in South Africa are massive. For example last year only 1 out of 10 of the learners who entered the school system in 2000 managed to pass in 2011 in the Eastern Cape. Downloaded data from as a PDF, isolated the relevant table and scraped to XLS using PDFTOEXCEL online tool

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Champ Valeur
Producteur Department of Education
Dernière modification août 19, 2015, 13:40 (TU)
Date de création septembre 8, 2012, 06:39 (TU)