Food Demand and Individual Dietary Diversity and Women’s Empowerment in Livestock Index in Tanzania

The WELI is a survey that covers some key indicators of empowerment in relation to dairy development in Tanzania. The aim is to assess changes in women empowerment over time and relate this to the nutrition status of the household members (the nutrition survey.

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Champ Valeur
Dernière modification décembre 17, 2019, 15:00 (TU)
Date de création août 17, 2019, 20:22 (TU)
ILRI_actydataowner ILRI
ILRI_actysharingagreement An agreement is necessary for confidential data
ILRI_actyusageconditions Non-commercial usage only
harvest_object_id 3d10ae79-def5-40db-90b2-f3fe46fca16a
harvest_source_id 0e3c3887-39da-4593-93ec-ceea44b71a6d
harvest_source_title ILRI Harvest