University Students Enrollment Degree & Non-Degree

Data for Enrolment of University Degree and Non-Degree(Certificates, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) for the financial year 2015/2016.

Données et ressources

Informations supplémentaires

Champ Valeur
Source Basic Education Statistics in Tanzzania (BEST) 2016
Producteur Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Mainteneur lukweme
Dernière modification août 17, 2019, 20:17 (TU)
Date de création août 17, 2019, 20:17 (TU)
Frequency of update/release Yearly
Geographical coverage United Republic of Tanzania
Release date August 2016
harvest_object_id 96a87ea8-c9c6-42f2-abf9-7bf2b835090f
harvest_source_id ad341165-b1ad-4e24-9e35-4072a80dd547