Willingness to Vaccinate and willingness to pay for vaccination against PPR (USAID FtF - Mali)

Analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing farmer willingness to vaccinate and willingness to pay for vaccination during and in the absence of vaccination campaigns.

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Champ Valeur
Source https://data.ilri.org/portal/dataset/willingness-to-vaccinate-and-willingness-to-pay-for-vaccination-against-ppr
Dernière modification mars 17, 2021, 02:16 (TU)
Date de création mars 3, 2021, 01:46 (TU)
harvest_object_id 4e5b11f9-d208-4558-b1c3-f407276e02dd
harvest_source_id 0e3c3887-39da-4593-93ec-ceea44b71a6d
harvest_source_title ILRI Harvest