DRC Timber Export Data

This dataset is used to power GW's Timber Trade Tracker visualisations, and is based on the best available (albeit incomplete) data using calculations based on data from DRC’s Direction générale des douanes et accises and the Office Congolaise de Contrôle.

The data has been checked for consistency against other sources of trade data such as Eurostat, PIERS and General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China. The data is updated on a quarterly basis. Figures are in Roundwood Equivalent (RWE), a measure to account for the volume of roundwood (logs) used to produce exported sawn wood – calculated to combine sawn timber and logs exports in one figure (see also http://www.globaltimber.org.uk/rwevolume.htm).

Please note that figures are displayed in the English numeral system.

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Källa http://drctimbertracker.globalwitness.org/
Senast uppdaterad november 15, 2015, 18:47 (UTC)
Skapad november 15, 2015, 18:33 (UTC)