Pupils Classroom Ratio for Primary Schools by District

This Dataset describes the ratio of Primary School pupils to Classroom by ownership across various Districts and regions in Tanzania Main Land

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Fält Värde
Källa Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government
Författare Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Version 1.0
Senast uppdaterad augusti 20, 2019, 11:17 (UTC)
Skapad augusti 20, 2019, 11:17 (UTC)
Frequent Update Yearly
Geographical Covarage Tanzania Main Land
harvest_object_id 5cfb189a-f1b9-4784-901f-ee2fdea63806
harvest_source_id ad341165-b1ad-4e24-9e35-4072a80dd547
harvest_source_title opendata.go.tz